Glossary for Attachment

By Santosh Acharya | Last Updated: 9 September 2024

The emotional bond that forms between a child and caregiver and later manifests in adult relationships.
Attachment Glossary

Here are terms related to attachment theory, arranged from A to Z:

  1. A - Attachment: The emotional bond that forms between a child and caregiver and later manifests in adult relationships.
  2. B - Bonding: The process of forming a close relationship based on the attachment needs.
  3. C - Caregiving: The behaviors and actions of a caregiver that influence an individual's attachment style.
  4. D - Disorganized Attachment: A type of attachment characterized by inconsistent and erratic behavior from the caregiver, leading to confusion and fear in the child.
  5. E - Emotional Regulation: The ability to manage and respond to emotional experiences, often developed through one's attachment experiences.
  6. F - Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: A type of insecure attachment where individuals desire close relationships but are hesitant and afraid of getting hurt.
  7. G - Growth: The development or change in attachment patterns over time through personal development or therapy.
  8. H - Hyperactivation: A strategy used by individuals with anxious attachment where they excessively seek closeness and reassurance from others.
  9. I - Insecure Attachment: A general term for attachment styles that are not secure, including anxious, avoidant, and disorganized types.
  10. J - Jealousy: Often a result of insecure attachment styles, where individuals fear abandonment or betrayal.
  11. K - Knowing: The cognitive aspect of understanding and recognizing one's own attachment style and its effects.
  12. L - Love: The expression and experience of affection, influenced by one's attachment style.
  13. M - Mentalization: The ability to understand the mental state of oneself and others, which is influenced by attachment experiences.
  14. N - Needs: The emotional and physical requirements of an individual that are sought to be met within an attachment relationship.
  15. O - Object Constancy: A concept in psychoanalysis that refers to a child's ability to maintain an emotional bond with a caregiver, even when the caregiver is not physically present.
  16. P - Preoccupied Attachment: Another term for anxious attachment, where individuals are overly concerned and anxious about their relationships.
  17. Q - Quality of Attachment: Refers to the security and stability of the attachment bond and its impact on relationships.
  18. R - Reactive Attachment Disorder: A disorder in children characterized by difficulties in forming proper attachments to caregivers due to early extreme neglect or mistreatment.
  19. S - Secure Attachment: A type of attachment characterized by confidence in the relationship and a balanced approach to being independent and connected.
  20. T - Transitional Object: Objects that children use to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations, often seen as a part of the attachment process.
  21. U - Understanding: Gaining insight into one's attachment style and its impact on relationships.
  22. V - Vulnerability: The willingness to be open and dependent on others, influenced by one's sense of security in attachment.
  23. W - Withdrawal: A strategy used by individuals with avoidant attachment, where they pull away from closeness and intimacy to protect themselves.
  24. X - eXpectations: The beliefs and anticipations individuals have about their relationships, shaped by their attachment history.
  25. Y - Yearning: Often felt by individuals with anxious attachment, it's a deep longing for closeness and reassurance.
  26. Z - Zealous: The intense enthusiasm or diligence one might put into understanding or repairing attachment issues.

These terms provide a comprehensive overview of the concepts and issues related to attachment theory and styles.

Santosh Acharya Closeup

Santosh Acharya is a Engineer, Technocrat turned on to Psychology Geek. He is a Proud Family Man, a Husband, a Parent to 2 adults, an obedient Son to my Parent, a Curious, Problem solver, Creator, Coffee Lover, Life-Long learner, Food Maker, Engineer, Psychologist, Marketer. His life took a sharp turn, when his mother asked him, "If you could rethink what you want to do with your life, what could it be." 

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